Mount Tapulao 2016 – Bike and Trek Adventure

Mount Tapulao 2016 – Bike and Trek Adventure

I climbed Mount Tapulao several times in the past and I never bothered to climb it again. That changed when I started Mountain Biking. Now I want to return to the mountains I climbed before where Mountain Biking is possible.

Going up Mount Tapulao with a Mountain Bike was difficult. The rocky road and deep canals add to the excitement of riding. Worth mentioning is how steep the road was. It was a difficult trek going up with the weather turning sour right after the first water source. Only 10% of the road going up was rideable. I had to carry or push my bike 90% all the way up to the campsite. I did my best to read the road so that the next day when I ride down the mountain I would be prepared.

My companions were also having a hard but great time climbing due to the chilling rain and wind. There were also several groups that climbed on that day and some of them spent the night on the road due to the sour weather. Our group was able to reach the camp site around 6PM. The night was wild,wet and cold. I only had a tarp, sleeping bag and hammock with me so I worried a little. They were enough to keep me dry and warm all throughout the night.

The next day we thanked God for the great weather. The view as usual was awesome. After breakfast at around 8:30 AM, I went ahead of our group since I already knew that the bike ride going down would be very technical. Overall the ride was super duper awesome except for some hard slips then and there but I was able to ride 70% down the road going back to the jump-off. It was the most thrilling and adrenaline-rushed ride I had ever done in my whole life! I reached the jump-off at around 12 noon, right before it started to rain hard.

This was a great experience. The adventure is something that I will remember since I never thought I would be able to bring my bike up Mount Tapulao and ride down the rocky, muddy, slippery and winding road!

Thanks to my companions for the super nice time. Thank God for keeping us safe.

‘Till our next adventure 🙂


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